Connect and Collaborate, Your Co-Working Community

Foster a Thriving Community in Your Co-Working Environment

Co-working spaces are more than just a place to work; they're hubs of creativity and networking. Brane introduces a dynamic layer to these environments, transforming them into interconnected communities where ideas flourish and professional relationships grow. Our platform is designed to enhance the co-working experience, ensuring that members not only share a space but also ideas, opportunities, and camaraderie...

Or just have someone to grab a midmorning coffee with!


Community Engagement

Our platform enables co-working spaces to create events, discussions, and groups that align with the interests of their members, enhancing engagement and a sense of community.

Tailored Experiences

Gain insights into what your patrons love most. Whether it's a special dish at your restaurant or a themed night at your hotel, use these insights to tailor your services and create bespoke experiences.

Resource Sharing

Members can easily share knowledge, skills, and resources, making the co-working space a powerhouse of collective intelligence and capabilities.

Feedback and Improvement

Brane provides a channel for members to give feedback about the space and services, allowing managers to make informed improvements and cater better to their community's needs, and to help one another in a group chat environment.

Best of all, our AI will automatically grow your membership by recommending your co-working space to other users who match your members' interests and location.


"Brane has been a game-changer for our space. It's amazing to see our members connecting and collaborating in ways we never imagined. The platform has not only enhanced our community's engagement but has also been instrumental in attracting new members."
Emma, 26, Miami
"As a freelancer, networking is key. Brane made it easy to connect with other professionals in my co-working space. I've formed valuable connections and even collaborated on several projects, all thanks to Brane."
Smith, 27, London
"Starting a business can be isolating, but Brane changed that for me. Through the app, I've met mentors, collaborators, and even some of my best clients right in my co-working space. It's more than an office; it's a vibrant community."
Sebastian, 29, Norway


Imagine your co-working space not just as a physical location, but as a thriving ecosystem of ideas, collaboration, and professional growth. Here are some thought starters to leverage Brane in enriching your space:

Daily Banter

Start Up Hot Desking life can be lonely and isolating. Encourage banter amongst your members to make your co-working space feel like vibrant community even for those working alone.

Member Spotlight

Utilize Brane to feature members, their skills, and their businesses. This not only promotes their work but also fosters a deeper sense of community and mutual support.

Community Projects

Encourage members to initiate and participate in collaborative projects, using Brane as a platform to pitch ideas, gather teams, and share progress.

Help the recharge

"Anyone want to grab a coffee?"

By integrating Brane into your co-working space, you create an environment that’s not just about sharing a workspace, but about building a connected, supportive, and thriving professional community.


Create a Brane Crowd directly in app!

1. Start a Crowd

Create your unique Crowd, customizing it to reflect your co-working space's theme.

It's completely FREE and easy.

2. Engage Your Members

Invite existing members to join using easy share links or a QR code – then watch them chat to one another as you post exclusive content and encourage interaction.

3. GROW your membership!

Brane will take care of the rest, naturally recommending your Crowd to other users across our network based on your space's vibe and your most dedicated members' interests!